ActionLots is the ultimate online catalog and video viewing experience. Easily view the lot information and lot video on one screen. Flip through lots or search by lot number to view everything you need — all in one place.
What is the processcontrol_pointSimply provide us with a Dropbox link to the videos and lot images. No need for the extra expense of third-party viewers: simply put everything directly into Dropbox. Also, ActionLots works directly with your video producer to make sure videos are optimized for web viewing.
What is the pricing structurecontrol_pointWe price per lot. Simply contact us for a pricing sheet. No sale is too small or too big.
What additional services are availablecontrol_pointLet us know if you need help with sizing for videos or cutting your catalog into individual lots. We are happy to help.
Why should I provide this servicecontrol_pointThe cattle industry is on the move as more and more technology enters the field daily. We are now marketing to a generation that is used to having everything at their fingertips. The cattle industry must keep up with this changing climate in order to best serve its customers.
What is your experiencecontrol_pointI grew-up in the cattle industry in the small town of Eureka, KS. I have been in the catalog production and marketing industry for more than 15 years.

ActionLots stays ahead of the demand by giving you and your buyers a seamless process and fantastic looking platform for viewing animal information and videos. ActionLots is here for the long-haul because it plans to always be developing and implementing new functionalities - all made to help you succeed.
- Cody Gariss

I absolutely love the new format with ActionLots. I do a lot of research before the sales and the older set up was much more cumbersome and typically required multiple set ups. With ActionLots, I can use my iPad or computer and quickly move through all of the lots and get the information I need. This is a great system and a huge improvement!
- Jamey Reynolds